Demography, urbanisation and energy demand

Pachauri, S. ORCID: (2012). Demography, urbanisation and energy demand. In: Energy for Development: Resources, Technologies, Environment. Eds. Toth, FL, Dordrecht: Springer. 10.1007/978-94-007-4162-1_7.

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Urbanisation is a major demographic driver of energy demand. It is intertwined with many aspects of human behaviour, including living and working arrangements and the organisation of economic activity. This chapter explores the differences in energy access and use between rural and urban households in developing countries, particularly India and China. The analysis shows the importance of future patterns of migration, urbanisation and changes in urban density for both the household energy mix and the evolution of energy demand in the coming decades. The amounts and types of energy used by rural and urban households will continue to differ significantly. Concerted efforts and investments will be needed to improve the living conditions of low-income urban households and their access to more efficient and safer forms of energy.

Item Type: Book Section
Research Programs: Energy (ENE)
Bibliographic Reference: In: FL Toth (ed.); Energy for Development: Resources, Technologies, Environment; Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands pp.81-94 (May 2012)
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Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 08:47
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:22

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