Multiple telecouplings and their complex interrelationships

Liu, J., Hull, V., Luo, J., Yang, W., & Liu, W. ORCID: (2015). Multiple telecouplings and their complex interrelationships. Ecology and Society 20 (3) 10.5751/ES-07868-200344.

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Increasingly, the world is becoming socioeconomically and environmentally connected, but many studies have focused on human-environment interactions within a particular area. Although some studies have considered the impacts of external factors, there is little research on multiple reciprocal socioeconomic and environmental interactions between a focal area and other areas. Here we address this important kowledge gap by applying the new integrated framework of telecouplings (socioeconomic and environmental interactions between two or more areas over distances). Results show that even a protected area - i.e., the Wolong Nature Reserve for giant pandas in southwest China - has multiple telecoupling processes with the rest of the world; these include panda loans, tourism, information dissemination, conservation subsidies, and trade of aricultural and industrial products. The telecoupling processes exhibit nonlinear patterns, they change over time, and they have varying socioeconomic and environmental effects across the world. We also find complex relationships among different telecouplings - e.g., amplification, offsetting, spatial overlaps - which cannot be detected by traditional separate studies. Such an integrated study leads to a more comprehensive understanding of distant human-enviroment interactions and has significant implications for global sustainability and human well-being.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: China; conservation; cross-scale interactions; environmental interactions; giant panda (Ailuropoda meanoleuca); human-environment interactions; information dissemination; nature reserve; socioeconomic interactions; telecoupling; telecoupling framework; Wolong Nature Reserve
Research Programs: Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM)
Bibliographic Reference: Ecology and Society; 20(3):44 [September 2015]
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 08:52
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:24

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