Results and policy implications

Parry, M.L., Carter, T.R., & Konijn, N.T. (1988). Results and policy implications. In: The Impact of Climatic Variations on Agriculture. pp. 695-706 Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. ISBN 978-94-009-2943-2 10.1007/978-94-009-2943-2_27.

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This section summarizes the results of three investigations conducted within the framework of the Soviet case study for analyzing the impacts on and necessary adjustments to agriculture in the Leningrad, Cherdyn and Central region of the European territory of the USSR, in response to possible climatic changes. In these investigations there were two central problems:

(1) The analysis of impacts of climatic changes on the yield of agricultural crops and the improvement of the methods of such analysis.

(2) The elaboration of a method to aid decision makers in planning the future development of agriculture, involving the use of economic models that can incorporate environmental factors including information on the likely impacts of climatic changes.

The first problem was considered in two sections that describe experiments conducted on two different crops in contrasting areas within the subarctic farming zone of the European USSR. In the Leningrad region changes of winter rye yield were estimated in response to different climatic change scenarios (Section 2). In the drier Cherdyn region in the eastern part of the zone, estimates were made of the responses of spring wheat yield to climatic variability (Section 3).

Item Type: Book Section
Research Programs: Resources and Environment Area (REN)
Depositing User: Romeo Molina
Date Deposited: 03 May 2016 06:41
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:40

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