Vulnerability of Ukrainian forests to climate change

Shvidenko, A., Buksha, I., Krakovska, S., & Lakyda, P. (2017). Vulnerability of Ukrainian forests to climate change. Sustainability 9 e1152. 10.3390/su9071152.

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Ukraine is a country of the Mid-Latitude ecotone – a transition zone between forest zone and forestless dry lands. Availability of water defines distribution of the country’s forests and decreasing their productivity towards the south. Climate change generates a particular threat for Ukrainian forests and stability of agroforestry landscapes. The paper considers the impacts of expected climate change on vulnerability of Ukrainian forests using ensembles of global and regional climatic models (RCM) based on IPCC Scenarios B1, A2, A1B, and a “dry and warm” scenario A1B+T-P (increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation). The spatially explicit assessment was provided by RCM for the WMO standard period (1961-1990), “recent” (1991-2010) and three future periods – 2011-2030, 2031-2050 and 2081-2100. Forest-climate model by Vorobjov and model of amplitude of flora’s tolerance to climate change by Didukh, as well as a number of specialized climatic indicators, were used in the assessment. Different approaches leads to rather consistent conclusions. Water stress is the major limitation factor of distribution and resilience of flatland Ukrainian forests. Within Scenario A1B, the area with unsuitable growth conditions for major forest forming species will substantially increase by end of the century occupying major part of Ukraine. Scenario A1B+T-P projects even a more dramatic decline of the country’s forests. It is expected that the boundary of conditions that are favorable for forests will shift to north and north-west, and forests of the xeric belt will be the most vulnerable. Consistent policies of adaptation and mitigation might reduce climate-induced risks for Ukrainian forests.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ukrainian forests; climate change; xeric belt; predictions of state and distribution of forests over 21st century; Mid-Latitude ecotone.
Research Programs: Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 29 Jun 2017 08:31
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:41

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