Meeting Yield and Conservation Objectives by Harvesting Both Juveniles and Adults

Lundström, N., Loeuille, N., Meng, X., Bodin, M., & Brännström, Å. (2019). Meeting Yield and Conservation Objectives by Harvesting Both Juveniles and Adults. The American Naturalist 193 (3) 373-390. 10.1086/701631.

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Sustainable yields that are at least 80% of the maximum sustainable yield are sometimes referred to as “pretty good yields” (PGY). The range of PGY harvesting strategies is generally broad and thus leaves room to account for additional objectives besides high yield. Here, we analyze stage-dependent harvesting strategies that realize PGY with conservation as a second objective. We show that (1) PGY harvesting strategies can give large conservation benefits and (2) equal harvesting rates of juveniles and adults is often a good strategy. These conclusions are based on trade-off curves between yield and four measures of conservation that form in two established population models, one age-structured model and one stage-structured model, when considering different harvesting rates of juveniles and adults. These conclusions hold for a broad range of parameter settings, although our investigation of robustness also reveals that (3) predictions of the age-structured model are more sensitive to variations in parameter values than those of the stage-structured model. Finally, we find that (4) measures of stability that are often quite difficult to assess in the field (e.g., basic reproduction ratio and resilience) are systematically negatively correlated with impacts on biomass and size structure, so that these later quantities can provide integrative signals to detect possible collapses.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: fisheries management, maximum sustainable yield, pretty good yield, Pareto front, resilience, size structure
Research Programs: Evolution and Ecology (EEP)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 28 Jan 2019 14:16
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:31

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