Outlook: Towards an OECD-IIASA Multiannual Work Programme

Lees, M., Hynes, W., & Müller, J.M. (2020). Outlook: Towards an OECD-IIASA Multiannual Work Programme. In: Systemic Thinking for Policy Making: The Potential of Systems Analysis for Addressing Global Policy Challenges in the 21st Century. pp. 167-170 Paris, France: New Approaches to Economic Challenges, OECD Publishing. ISBN 978-92-64-49456-5 10.1787/879c4f7a-en.

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Activities to extend the systems approach promoted by the OECD-IIASA Strategic Partnership and its Task Force are proposed. Issues the two organisations could collaborate on include sustainable and inclusive growth and well-being; linkages between finance, investment and climate change; concerted policies for the climate, ecosystems, energy, and water nexus; longer-term strategies for employment; managing the interactions between technological innovation and economic progress; a concerted approach to water, food, and trade; systems-based approaches for development co-operation to meet diverse needs and aspirations; strategies and governance to assess and manage systemic risk; improved methodology and tools for modelling; and adapting institutions to systems thinking to meet new challenges. Strengthening the systems approach within the OECD, and cooperation between the OECD, IIASA and outside partners are also discussed.

Item Type: Book Section
Research Programs: Directorate (DIR)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 23 Mar 2020 09:03
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:32
URI: https://iiasa-9.eprints-hosting.org/16386

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