Considerations in Future Development of the IIASA Forest Sector Project: Model Structure, Product Demand Models, Product Category Definition, Geographical Aggregation, and Data Availability

Adam, D. & Nilsson, S. (1982). Considerations in Future Development of the IIASA Forest Sector Project: Model Structure, Product Demand Models, Product Category Definition, Geographical Aggregation, and Data Availability. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-82-108

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The Forest Sector Project at IIASA has advanced to the stage of producing an embryonic prototype model. The prototype is intended to serve as a guide for development of detailed individual or multi-country models of the forest sector, which is one of the principal objectives of the Forest Sector Project. The current prototype model is intended as a first approximation and therefore lacks detail within any given module. Further, no firm decisions have been made on the procedures to be employed in pursuit of the Project's second major objective, the analysis of global trade in forest products. It is appropriate at this stage, therefore, to begin a more detailed consideration of some of the fundamental decisions which must be made in the future development of the Project. This paper is intended to serve as a stimulus for further discussion, and ultimately decisions, on options for modeling the forest sector at the national and global levels. It addresses four broad topics thought to be crucial at this stage of project development: (1) the overall direction and organization of the Forest Sector Project at IIASA, (2) definitions of product categories and the specific degree of geographical aggregation to be employed in the analysis of global trade, (3) alternatives for modeling the critical elements of demand for forest products in both detailed country and global trade studies, an (4) problems of data availability and consistency which will likely be encountered as work on the Forest Sector Project proceeds.

Item Type: Monograph (IIASA Working Paper)
Research Programs: Resources and Environment Area (REN)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 01:51
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:10

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