Reviewed literature on the state of conservation planning in Europe

Jung, M. ORCID:, Diogo, A., Chapman, M., Virgilio, H., Kujala, H., O'Connor, L., Schinegger, R., Verburg, P., & Visconti, P. (2023). Reviewed literature on the state of conservation planning in Europe. 10.5281/zenodo.8104714.

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Project: NaturaConnect - Designing a resilient and coherent Trans-European Network for Nature and People (NaturaConnect, HE 101060429)


Literature review of European conservation planning studies

The data table uploaded here contains reviewed literature as part of the manuscript "An assessment of the state of conservation planning in Europe” by Jung et al. that is currently in Review. In this work we reviewed all available scientific literature broadly dealing with conservation planning in various facets and across realms (terrestrial, freshwater, marine). The database provided here thus provides a comprehensive starting point of all scientific conservation planning studies conducted in Europe up until mid 2023.

The dataset is derived from a Scopus literature query conducted on the 23th of September 2022, which resulted in an initial 1459 studies which were further refined and supplemented by evidence known to the authors.


# Description of table columns:

"ID" = Numeric Identifier of the study
"Extent" = Scale the study was conducted, from local, regional, national to European wide
"Region" = The broad region with regards to European country
"Locality" = Additional detail on the locality of the study if easily available
"Realm" = Which realm does the study cover (e.g. Terrestrial, Marine, ...)
"Ecosystem.specificity" = Was the study conducted only for specific ecosystems (e.g. Forests)?
"Period" = Over which period was the study conducted (Present only, future conditions, both)
"Planning.purpose" = What was the purpose of the study?
"Policy.relevance" = Specific policy directives or legal documents referred to in the study introduction.
"Method" = Which method was used for the planning purpose (i.e., Zonation, Marxan, ...)
"Biodiversity.type; = What type of Biodiversity data was included in the study?
"Number.of.features" = How many number of features?
"Multiple.objectives.or.constraints" = Did the study somehow account for multiple objectives or constraints?
"Connectivity" = Was connectivity somehow considered and if so, how?
"Costs" = Were socio-economic costs somehow considered?
"Stakeholder.involvement" = Were stakeholders involved in the planning exercise at any point?
"Authors" = Authors of the study
"Title" = The title of the study
"Year" = The year it was published
"Journal" = The scientific journal were it was published
"DOI" = A Digital Object identifier link (can sometimes be missing)
"Link" = A link to the journal website (can be missing)
"Author.Keywords" = Keywords by the authors given to the study (can be missing)
"Index.Keywords" = Keywords captured by SCOPUS for the study (can be missing)
"Document.Type" = Type of article
"Source" = Derived from SCOPUS or manually added through a snowballing approach?
"cite_scientific_May2023" = How often cited in the scientific literature by May 2023?
"cite_policy_May2023" = How often cited in policy literatue by May 2023?

Item Type: Data
Additional Information: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Uncontrolled Keywords: 30x30, biodiversity, biodiversity conservation, decision theory, Literature review, prioritisation, spatial optimization, stakeholder
Research Programs: Biodiversity and Natural Resources (BNR)
Biodiversity and Natural Resources (BNR) > Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation (BEC)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 18 Dec 2023 16:18
Last Modified: 12 Mar 2025 05:00

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