Design of Management Systems in U.S.S.R. Industry: A Systems Approach

Milner, B.Z., Rapoport, V., & Yevenko, L. (1986). Design of Management Systems in U.S.S.R. Industry: A Systems Approach. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.. ISBN 90-277-2208-0

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This book is the result of extensive studies by the authors in the fields of research in, and analysis and design of, the system of management of production organizations under a socialist economy.

The management of the national economy in the USSR is developed on a planned basis. This work is part of the general state-sponsored strategy of economic development which is discussed and laid down by the Congresses of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) and is then translated into concrete decisions of the government and other bodies of economic and regional management.

The general policies on management improvement are closely scrutinized by these bodies, the leaders of the Party and the State, and the Soviet press. In the recent years this work has acquired special importance. The party and economic management of all levels, scientists, and experts are faced with the task of introducing, in a short period of time. radical changes in the planning and operating, creating thereby a holistic management system based on scientific recommendations and effective practical experience.

The adoption of state decisions and the elaboration of guidelines and methodological material in the field of management is usually accompanied by the collection and summarization of a great number of proposals from different levels of industrial management, from trade unions at amalgamations and enterprises, from numerous research and engineering organizations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, from ministries and other government agencies, and from higher education institutions. Change in the organizational structures and management systems for the national economy are the subject of decisions at the highest levels of government, which take into account the complete range of relevant factors.

The distinguishing feature of the work on improving the management organization in the USSR is that it is based on extensive developmental research in this field.

The study, whose results are presented in this book, is a result of such a combination of academic research, elaboration of guidelines, and applied projects, which aimed to develop a systems framework for the analysis and design of management structures for economic organizations, as well as to assist a great number of managers and staff specialists in the solution of the management organizational problems that they face.

Item Type: Book
Research Programs: General Research (GEN)
Bibliographic Reference: D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Netherlands [1986]
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 01:56
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:12

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