Trends and Impacts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Ranta, J. (1989). Trends and Impacts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-89-001

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The Annual Workshop of the IIASA-Project on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) was held in Stuttgart, FRG, from 18-28 July, 1988. This was the second in the series of annual meetings after the Ivalo (Finland) workshop in 1987. The co-host of the workshop in Stuttgart was Professor B.-J. Warnecke of the Fraunhofer Institute of Production Technology and Automation. It was co-sponsored by Carnegie-Mellon University, USA, and the Japanese Committee for IIASA. The aim of the workshop was to analyze technological trends, diffusion patterns, and economic and social impacts of CIM as well as to review the work accomplished by IIASA and its collaborators.

The workshop was attended by 52 participants from 18 countries and 3 international organizations (OECD, ECE, UNIDO). A total of 24 presentations were delivered, including 3 keynote presentations by Prof. Warnecke (FRG), Dr. Kozar (CSSR), and Prof. Jaikumar (USA). Prior to the Stuttgart Workshop, the CIM Project had a small expert meeting in Prague, CSSR, co-hosted by the Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering and Production Economy (VUSTE) and the Central Research Institute for Technological and Economic Information (UVTEI) of the CSSR. This meeting was devoted to technological trends in CIM and to forecasting future applications of CIM technologies. It was supported by a Delphi-style questionnaire, which was answered by 14 experts from 9 countries. The results of the Prague workshop and the Delphi study are reflected in some papers presented in Stuttgart by IIASA.

This volume combines the Proceedings of the two workshops, presenting the key papers of each of them. The papers are organized in the following way: Part 1 consists of the three keynote papers presented at the Stuttgart workshop; Part 2 consists of papers which describe technological and basic economic factors of CIM applications and diffusion; Part 3 deals with the diffusion trends, employment and other macroeconomic impacts of CIM technologies; finally, the fourth part addresses managerial and organizational impacts of CIM technologies.

Item Type: Monograph (IIASA Working Paper)
Research Programs: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 02:00
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:13

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