Inventory of Greenhouse-Gas Mitigation Measures. Examples from the IIASA Technology Data Base

Schäfer, A., Schrattenholzer, L., & Messner, S. (1992). Inventory of Greenhouse-Gas Mitigation Measures. Examples from the IIASA Technology Data Base. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-92-085

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The comparative assessment of different strategies for reducing energy-related emissions of greenhouse gases is a major research area within the Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies (ECS) Project at IIASA. An integral part of this work is the development of a mitigation technology inventory that encompasses a data base called CO2DB. The data base covers the full range of mitigation measures spanning efficiency improvements, conservation, enhanced use of low-carbon fuels, carbon-free sources of energy and other options such as afforestation and enhancement of carbon sinks. The data base includes detailed descriptions of the technical, economic and environmental performance of technologies as well as data pertinent to their commercialization, introduction and diffusion. Additional information includes literature sources, description of salient assumptions and how assessments were made. The primary purpose for the development of the CO2DB is to facilitate the analysis of technological options for reducing the global emissions of greenhouse gases, and in particular for assessing their potentials and costs.

This working paper gives a description of selected technologies from the CO2DB. It also describes some of the most important assumptions behind the technology assessments and gives relevant literature sources. The examples chosen cover the energy system from primary energy production and conversion to energy end-use that results in actual energy services. The paper concludes by giving an example of an energy chain, also called full fuel-cycle analysis, with the associated costs and emissions. This example illustrates possible uses of the CO2DB as a tool for the assessment of mitigation potentials and costs. The data base can facilitate the assessment of carbon dioxide reduction, removal and storage technologies by combining many interrelated technologies together into the energy systems, i.e. to analyze measures throughout the energy chain from primary energy extraction to measures to improve energy. This paper can be used as a technical guide to the technology inventory in conjunction with the manual for the CO2DB software support system (WP-91-31a).

Item Type: Monograph (IIASA Working Paper)
Research Programs: Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies (ECS)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 02:01
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:14

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