SAP- Modular Tool for Specification and Analysis of User Preferences in Multiple-Criteria Model Analysis

Granat, J. & Makowski, M. ORCID: (1995). SAP- Modular Tool for Specification and Analysis of User Preferences in Multiple-Criteria Model Analysis. IIASA Working Paper. IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-95-073

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Model based Decision Support Systems (DSS) often use multiple-criteria optimization for selecting Pareto-efficient solutions. Such a selection is based on interactive specification of user preferences. This can be done by specification of aspiration and reservation levels for criteria. Diverse graphical user interface could be used for specification of these levels as well as for interpretation of results. In the approach presented in this paper the specified aspiration and reservation levels are used for generation of component achievement functions for corresponding criteria. Such functions can be interpreted as fuzzy membership functions or as functions, which reflect the degree of satisfaction with given values of criteria.

The paper outlines the methodological background and modular structure of a DSS shell for multiple-criteria analysis of decision problems that can be represented as Linear Programming (LP) or Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problems. The DSS shell has been used at IIASA for analysis of decision problems in water quality management and land use for sustainable development planning. The pilot implementation of one component of that DSS, namely the modular software tool for interactive specification of user preferences is described in more detail. The tool has been also used as in a DSS for analysis of non-linear problems in several engineering applications.

Item Type: Monograph (IIASA Working Paper)
Research Programs: Methodology of Decision Analysis (MDA)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 02:06
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:15

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