Comparing relative effects of education and economic resources on infant mortality in developing countries

Pamuk, E.R., Fuchs, R., & Lutz, W. ORCID: (2011). Comparing relative effects of education and economic resources on infant mortality in developing countries. Population and Development Review 37 (4) 637-664. 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2011.00451.x.

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Project: Forecasting Societies Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change (FUTURESOC, FP7 230195)


Research on the social determinants of health has often considered education and economic resources a separate indicators of socioeconomic status. From a policy perspective, however, it is important to understand the relative strength of the effect of these social economic resources of individuals, but also whether community and country levels of these factors affect health outcomes. This analysis uses multilevel regression models to assess the relative effects of education and economic resources on infant mortality at the family, community, and country level using data from demographic and Health Surveys in 43 low-and lower-middle-income countries. We find strong effects for both per capita gross national income and completed secondary eucation at the country level, but a greater impact of education within families and communities.

Item Type: Article
Research Programs: World Population (POP)
Bibliographic Reference: Population and Development Review; 37(4):637-664 (December 2011) (Published online 13 December 2011)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 08:45
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2023 05:00

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