Items where IIASA Author is "Gomez Echeverri, Luis"
Glemarec, Y., Buchner, B., Gomez Echeverri, L., Fallone, M., Swaminathan, S. & Babinsky, F. (2024). Seeking Synergy Solutions: A New Financial System to Enable Both Climate and SDG Action. Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy
Gomez Echeverri, L., Bustamante, M., Jun, M., Rafa, N., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Fujino, J., Suzman, E., Creutzig, F. & Oni, T.
Seeking Synergy Solutions: Integrating Climate and SDG Knowledge and Data for Action.
Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy
Gomez Echeverri, L., Groff, M., Hackmann, H., Lopes, M.A., Monga, P., Patil, P. ORCID:, Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID: & Saran, S.
Toward a New Global Security Paradigm. Task Force 06: Strengthening Multilateralism and Global Governance.
T20 Policy Brief. Observer Research Foundation
, New Delhi, India.
UNDESA & UNFCCC (2023). Synergy Solutions for a World in Crisis: Tackling Climate and SDG Action Together. United Nations
Rovenskaya, E. ORCID:, Gomez Echeverri, L. & Patil, P.
Human development, sustainability, and agency.
IIASA Science for Society Brief.
Laxenburg, Austria: SB-01
van Jaarsveld, A., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID: & Sachs, J.
Effective Health Care and Global Pandemic Preparedness. Policy paper for G20.
IIASA Report.
Laxenburg: IIASA
van Jaarsveld, A., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID: & Sachs, J.
Making Transformation Happen: Climate Finance. Policy paper for G20.
IIASA Report.
Laxenburg: IIASA
van Jaarsveld, A., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID: & Sachs, J.
Strengthening WTO and the Global Trade System for Sustainable Development. Policy paper for G20.
IIASA Report.
Laxenburg: IIASA
van Jaarsveld, A., Rovenskaya, E. ORCID: & Sachs, J.
Strengthening the UN to Confront Collective Challenges. Policy paper for G20.
IIASA Report.
Laxenburg: IIASA
Patil, P. ORCID:, Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID:, Srivastava, L., Gomez Echeverri, L. & Fath, B.
First Background Paper for Transformations within Reach (Phase-2). Framework for Catalyzing Societal Transformations.
, Laxenburg.
Gomez Echeverri, L. (2022). Chapter 7: National climate funds. In: Handbook of International Climate Finance. Eds. Michaelowa, A. & Sacherer, A.-K., pp. 167-186 Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978-1-78471-564-9 10.4337/9781784715656.00014.
Zakeri, B. ORCID:, Paulavets, K., Barreto-Gomez, L., Gomez Echeverri, L., Pachauri, S.
ORCID:, Boza-Kiss, B.
ORCID:, Zimm, C.
ORCID:, Rogelj, J.
ORCID:, Creutzig, F., Ürge-Vorsatz, D., Victor, D., Bazilian, M., Fritz, S.
ORCID:, Gielen, D., McCollum, D., Srivastava, L., Hunt, J.
ORCID: & Pouya, S.
Pandemic, War, and Global Energy Transitions.
Energies 15 (17), e6114. 10.3390/en15176114.
Mechler, R. ORCID:, Stevance, A.-S., Deubelli, T.
ORCID:, Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Handmer, J., Irshaid, J., McBean, G., Zapata-Marti, R., Gordon, M., Ivanova, M., Srivastava, L., Gomez Echeverri, L., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Schinko, T.
ORCID: & Olukoshi, A.
Transformations within reach: Pathways to a sustainable and resilient world - Enhancing Governance for Sustainability.
IIASA Report.
Zakeri, B. ORCID:, Paulavets, K., Barreto-Gomez, L., Gomez Echeverri, L., Pachauri, S.
ORCID:, Rogelj, J.
ORCID:, Creutzig, F., Urge-Vorsatz, D., Victor, D., Boza-Kiss, B.
ORCID:, Zimm, C.
ORCID:, Alexander, S., Bazilian, M., Fritz, S.
ORCID:, Gielen, D., Hande, H., McCollum, D., Nesler, C., Rossini, M.
ORCID:, Sivaram, V. et al.
Transformations within reach: Pathways to a sustainable and resilient world - Rethinking energy solutions.
IIASA Report.
Srivastava, L., Gomez Echeverri, L., Schlegel, F., Denis, M., Deubelli, T. ORCID:, Havlik, P.
ORCID:, Kaplan, D., Mechler, R.
ORCID:, Paulavets, K., Rovenskaya, E.
ORCID:, Sizov, S.
ORCID:, Sperling, F., Stevance, A.-S. & Zakeri, B.
Transformations within reach: Pathways to a sustainable and resilient world - Synthesis Report.
IIASA Report.
Müller, B., Allen, J., Roesti, M. & Gomez Echeverri, L. (2021). Quo Vadis COP? Future Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings under the UNFCCC – Settled and Fit for Purpose. European Capacity Building Initiative. Oxford Climate Policy , Oxford, UK.
Gomez Echeverri, L., Zakeri, B. ORCID:, Alexander, S., Barreto-Gomez, L., Bazilian, M., Boza-Kiss, B.
ORCID:, Creutzig, F., Fritz, S.
ORCID:, Gielen, D., Hande, H., McCollum, D., Nesler, C., Pachauri, S.
ORCID:, Paulavets, K., Rogelj, J.
ORCID:, Rossini, M.
ORCID:, Sivaram, V., Srivastava, L., Urge-Vorsatz, D., Victor, D. et al.
Report on Second Consultative Science Platform. Bouncing Forward Sustainably: Pathways to a post-COVID World. Sustainable Energy.
Barreto-Gomez, L., Paulavets, K., Gomez Echeverri, L. & Ghoneim, R. (2020). Report on First Consultative Science Platform. Bouncing Forward Sustainably: Pathways to a post-COVID World. Sustainable Energy. IIASA-ISC
Zakeri, B. ORCID:, Barreto-Gomez, L., Boza-Kiss, B.
ORCID:, Gomez Echeverri, L., Fritz, S.
ORCID:, Gielen, D., Ghoneim, R., Pachauri, S.
ORCID:, Paulavets, K., Rogelj, J.
ORCID:, Srivastava, L. & Zimm, C.
Bouncing Forward Sustainably: Pathways to a post-COVID world. Sustainable Energy.
TWI2050 - The World in 2050 (2019). The Digital Revolution and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges. Report prepared by the World in 2050 initiative. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) , Laxenburg, Austria. 10.22022/TNT/05-2019.15913.
Gomez Echeverri, L. (2018). Climate and development: enhancing impact through stronger linkages in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 376 (2119), e20160444. 10.1098/rsta.2016.0444.
Gomez Echeverri, L. (2018). Investing for rapid decarbonization in cities. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 30, 42-51. 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.02.010.
McCollum, D.L., Gomez Echeverri, L., Busch, S., Pachauri, S. ORCID:, Parkinson, S.
ORCID:, Rogelj, J.
ORCID:, Krey, V.
ORCID:, Minx, J.C., Nilsson, M., Stevance, A.-S. & Riahi, K.
Connecting the sustainable development goals by their energy inter-linkages.
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3), 033006. 10.1088/1748-9326/aaafe3.
Gomez Echeverri, L. (2018). A Review of the Nature of Foreign Aid to the Energy Sector over the Last Two Decades. In: Aid Effectiveness for Environmental Sustainability. Eds. Huang, Y. & Pascual, U., pp. 125-184 Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-981-10-5379-5 10.1007/978-981-10-5379-5_5.
McCollum, D., Gomez Echeverri, L., Busch, S., Pachauri, S. ORCID:, Parkinson, S.
ORCID:, Rogelj, J.
ORCID:, Krey, V.
ORCID:, Riahi, K.
ORCID:, Nilsson, M. & Stevance, A.-S.
Connecting the Sustainable Development Goals by their energy inter-linkages.
IIASA Working Paper.
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria: WP-17-006
Nakicenovic, N. ORCID: & Gomez Echeverri, L.
Global Energy Assessment (GEA) and its Impact.
In: IIASA Institutional Evaluation 2017, 27 February-1 March 2017, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria.
International Council for Science (2017). A Guide to SDG Interactions: from Science to Implementation. International Council for Science, Paris. 10.24948/2017.01.
McCollum, D., Gomez Echeverri, L., Riahi, K. ORCID: & Parkinson, S.
SDG7: Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable and Modern Energy for All.
A guide to SDG interactions: from science to implementation.
Eds. Griggs, D.J., Nilsson, M., Stevance, A. & McCollum, D.,
pp. 127-173 International Council for Science, Paris.
Uerge-Vorsatz, D., Gomez-Echeverri, L., St. Clair, A.L., Jones, F. & Graham, P. (2015). Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. In: Review of the Sustainable Goals: The Science Perspective. ICSU & ISSC. ISBN 978-0-930357-97-9
Allwood, J.M., Bosetti, V., Dubash, N.K., Gomez Echeverri, L. & von Stechow, C. (2014). Annex 1 - Glossary. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5. Cambridge University Press.
Somanathan, E., Sterner, T., Sugiyama, T., Chimanikire, D., Dubash, N.K., Essandoh-Yeddu, J.K., Fifita, S., Goulder, L., Jaffe, A., Labandeira, X., Managi, S., Mitchell, C., Montero, J.P., Teng, F. & Zylicz, T. (2014). Chapter 15 - National and sub-national policies and institutions. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5. Eds. In, Cambridge University Press.
Gupta, S., Harnisch, J., Barua, D.C., Chingambo, L., Frankel, P., Jorge, R., Vázquez, G., Gomez Echeverri, L., Haites, E., Huang, Y., Kopp, R., Lefèvre, B., de Oliveira Machado-Filho, H. & Massetti, E. (2014). Chapter 16 - Cross-cutting investment and finance issues. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5. Eds. In, Cambridge University Press.
Pachauri, R.K., Gomez-Echeverri, L. & Riahi, K. ORCID:
Synthesis report.
Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5.
Cambridge University Press.
Pachauri, R.K., Gomez-Echeverri, L. & Riahi, K. ORCID:
Synthesis report: summary for policy makers.
Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5.
Cambridge University Press.
Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Kadner, S., Minx, J.C., Brunner, S., Agrawala, S., Baiocchi, G., Bashmakov, I.A., Blanco, G., Broome, J., Bruckner, T., Bustamante, M., Clarke, L., Grand, M.C., Creutzig, F., Cruz-Núñez, X., Dhakal, S., Dubash, N.K., Eickemeier, P. et al. (2014). Technical summary. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5. Cambridge University Press.
Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Agrawala, S., Bashmakov, I.A., Blanco, G., Broome, J., Bruckner, T., Brunner, S., Bustamante, M., Clarke, L., Creutzig, F., Dhakal, S., Dubash, N.K., Eickemeier, P., Farahani, E., Fischedick, M., Fleurbaey, M., Gerlagh, R., Gomez Echeverri, L. et al. (2014). Summary for policymakers. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. IPCC Working Group III Contribution to AR5. Cambridge University Press.
Gomez-Echeverri, L. (2013). Foreign aid and sustainable energy. WIDER Working Paper No. 2013/093, UNU-WIDER, Helsinki, Finland (September 2013)
Gomez-Echeverri, L. (2013). The changing geopolitics of climate change finance. Climate Policy 13 (5), 632-648. 10.1080/14693062.2013.822690.
Gomez-Echeverri, L. (2013). Chapter 5 - Urbanisation: Toward a future balanced development and an ecological civilization. In: China National Human Development Report 2013: Sustainable and Liveable Cities: Toward Ecological Civilization. Eds. Jiahua, P, Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Corporation.
Gomez-Echeverri, L. (2013). Introduction. In: China National Human Development Report 2013: Sustainable and Liveable Cities: Toward Ecological Civilization. Eds. Jiahua, P, Beijing: China Translation and Publishing Corporation.
Gomez-Echeverri, L. (2010). China Human Development Report 2009/10: China and a Sustainable Future - Towards a Low Carbon Economy and Society. Beijing, China: China Translation and Publishing Corporation. ISBN 978-7-5001-2498-6
Gomez Echeverri, L. (2009). Developing countries and a proposal for architecture and governance of a reformed unfccc financial mechanism. In: Climate Finance: Cultures, Histories, and Representations. Eds. Kan, S.A., pp. 165-171 University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 978-081474138-2