Browse by Project Publications
Kazlou, T., Cherp, A., & Jewell, J. ORCID:
Feasible deployment of carbon capture and storage and the requirements of climate targets.
Nature Climate Change 14 (10) 1047-1055. 10.1038/s41558-024-02104-0.
Suzuki, M., Jewell, J. ORCID:, & Cherp, A.
Have climate policies accelerated energy transitions? Historical evolution of electricity mix in the G7 and the EU compared to net-zero targets.
Energy Research & Social Science 106 e103281. 10.1016/j.erss.2023.103281.
Vinichenko, V., Jewell, J. ORCID:, Jacobsson, J., & Cherp, A.
Historical diffusion of nuclear, wind and solar power in different national contexts: implications for climate mitigation pathways.
Environmental Research Letters 18 (9) e094066. 10.1088/1748-9326/acf47a.
Jewell, J. ORCID: & Cherp, A.
The feasibility of climate action: Bridging the inside and the outside view through feasibility spaces.
WIREs Climate Change 14 (5) e838. 10.1002/wcc.838.
Vinichenko, V., Vetier, M., Jewell, J. ORCID:, Nacke, L., & Cherp, A.
Phasing out coal for 2 °C target requires worldwide replication of most ambitious national plans despite security and fairness concerns.
Environmental Research Letters 18 (1) e014031. 10.1088/1748-9326/acadf6.