Transient flow routing in channel networks

Wood, E.F., Harley, B.M., & Perkins, F.E. (1975). Transient flow routing in channel networks. Water Resources Research 11 (3) 423-430. 10.1029/WR011i003p00423.

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The formulation of a mathematical model to predict transient flows in hydraulic networks is presented. The network formulation consists of breaking the network up into a series of connected reaches; reducing the finite difference equations for each reach into two ‘reach’ equations; forming an exterior matrix consisting of the reach equations, external boundary conditions, and interior compatibility conditions; solving the external matrix for the end values of discharge and water surface elevation for all reaches; and back-substituting for all interior values. Examples presented include the James River, USA, estuary model (24 nodes and 26 reaches), the Cork Harbor, Ireland, estuary (13-reach double-looped network), and the Rio Bayamon basin, Puerto Rico. Results are very satisfactory when they are compared to known data.

Item Type: Article
Research Programs: Water (WAT)
Depositing User: Romeo Molina
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2016 14:14
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:28

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